Monday, March 31, 2008

The latest pics and vids

Our little guy is busy!

Esteban is taking his first morning nap (he takes two right now), Grandma Dawn is off to her Colombian cooking class, and Momma Sabeth has a few moments to share the promised pictures on Snapfish:

And a few recent videos. None of these are more than 90 seconds because they are taken with my regular digital camera.

Esteban rolling over (front to back)

Chatty Esteban--giggles, squeals, and 'talking'

Happy Esteban, v. 2--a brief look into his developing personality--this one is sideways on the screen

Hope all is well with you and yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sabeth.............It is wonderful watching Esteban grow! And now you know that he will have a soccer scholarship for college!!!!
I am so enjoying your is great that your Mom has had this time with you and the baby..but I do hope that you can join Julien at home soon.........thanks for the updates.......Joan Lunn